Skin and Scalp Microneedling
At neuü, we specialise in helping you feel confident in your skin. It could be post-surgical changes, scars, burns, grafts, stretch marks, self-harm scars or hair loss, skin microneedling offers a precise and highly effective way to address concerns you may have. We understand how personal your concerns can be – Emma our Co-Founder has lived experience of this through her own cancer journey.
Using advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment, skin and scalp microneedling stimulates collagen production and natural skin regeneration, improving texture, reducing scars, and enhancing the skin’s overall appearance. Each treatment is meticulously tailored to you, with the aim of enhancing your confidence and sense of self.
We will always prioritise your comfort at every stage, from an in-depth consultation to a gentle, detail-focused treatment plan designed around your skin. Your treatment plan may only include Skin Microneedling or it may also include Skin Micropigmentation to introduce colour pigment if deemed suitable
We understand that some clients may feel apprehensive or nervous about needles or want more information before deciding to proceed. Your comfort and confidence are our top priorities. We are happy to arrange a consultation to discuss your concerns, answer any questions and walk you through the process step by step. We also have various techniques to ensure your experience is as comfortable and stress-free as possible.